In this anthology, published by Unesco, twenty award-winning investigative journalists from four continents show the best of current practice, and describe in detail their research, organisation and writing methods. Instructive and inspiring for both students and teachers.
The Global Casebook of Investigative Journalism serves as a complement to UNESCO’s successful publication Story-Based Inquiry: A Manual for Investigative Journalists (2009). The Casebook contains more than 20 recent investigative stories from around the world, covering a wide variety of topical subjects such as freedom of information, good governance, social and legal issues, the environment, health and gender. Each article is accompanied by an explanation of how the authors conducted their research and wrote their pieces.
Many of the authors belong to the Global Investigative Journalism Network, and their stories exemplify the cutting-edge techniques and high standards developed within this network. This Casebook thus serves as a key knowledge resource, providing a valuable learning opportunity for journalists and media professionals, as well as for journalism trainers and educators. It will also be used by UNESCO field offices to conduct training courses in investigative reporting.
Mark Lee Hunter (ed.), The Global Investigative Journalism Casebook. Unesco Series on Journalism Education, Unesco, 2012
ISBN: 978-92-3-001089-8| Pages: 256 | Format: PDF